study-勇 发表于 2017-12-13 11:57


UEFI0107:one or more memory errors have occurred on memory slot:A4.
Remove input power to the system ,reseat the DIMM module and restart the sysytem.
if the issues persist, replace the faulty memory module identified
in the message.

提示内容:UEFI10058: Uncorrectan;e Memmory Error has occurred because a Dual Inline Memory
Module (DIMM) is notfunctioning.
Cheeck the System Euent Log (SEL) to identify the non-functioning DIMM, and then replace it.

UEFI10056: A PCIe error has occurred.
Check the System Event Log (SEL) to identify the PCIe device that is not functioning correctly
, and then update the device firware.

小差 发表于 2017-12-28 08:14

海飞 发表于 2017-12-31 12:26


8264426 发表于 2018-1-4 23:23

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查看完整版本: 服务器系统崩溃提示内存错误